Monday, September 1, 2008

Love is
The funeral pyre
Where I have laid my living body.

All the false notions of my self
That once caused fear, pain,

Have turned to ash
As I neared God.

What has risen
From the tangled web of thought and sinew

Now shines with jubilation
Through the eyes of angels

And screams from the guts of
Infinite existence

Love is the funeral pyre
Where the heart must lay
Its body.

Love is the Funeral Pyre, Hafiz (Sufi Master – Poet)

Who are we if not our bodies? What identity do we carry if not the skin, the muscles, the sinew of the body?

These questions scroll across my heart; across my mind as I attempt to know myself as I was created. To rest my ego cataclysm must come and in the order of the universe birth follows. When I don’t fear death something beautiful always emerges. I recall, that in the innocence of birth pure self lives.

When we lay our body down to die we are left with the immortal Self that knows not separation from other. This I crave.

In my body lies a never ending attachment to the smallest self of identity of individual that divides me from you.

Here in my attachment to body leads to locked doors which behind them lies more doors of attachment; personality, perspective, difference, wounds and fears.

Where is my love for you when I am buried behind these locked doors?

Hafiz teaches us, through the tapestry of his writing, to allow ourselves the gift of releasing oneself of the over identification with the body brings great connection with all life. When we discontinue the belief that we are separate all hurt, wound and falsehood created by the ego disappears living us living in a state of absolute jubilation and deep engagement.

I believe that it is our overdeveloped sense of Self (aka separation) that is the greatest cause of our suffering. We are interdependent beings in need of each other.

It is in the release of body that we are liberated and in our liberation we accurately see others as the unique gift of life gracing our life. Equally, we are freed to express our uniqueness and in doing so we add to the collective beauty mosaic that we see hanging in night sky called Universe. In my Native (American) tradition, we call this living as “Star Nation” – cosmic beauty, erupting, evolving in concert.

As cosmic stars we are safe in Love. Love is the only safety there is.